
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

For my Klang's Friends~

Friendship Forever?你们相信这个存在吗?我相信!听我朋友说,我变了。你们记得我以前的post吗?我说过,我一定要改变自己。我做到了!变什么?你们的脑袋里一定出现很多个问号吧?从不要读书到要书,从没有压力到有压力,从不会洗衣到会洗衣,从不独立到会独立,从不烦恼到烦恼,从不担心我的未来到担心我的未来,从睡到饱到没有睡。这些,就是我以前没有体验过的生活。现在,我体验过了,我变了?变得坚强了?去到金宝,问题来了,你就要面对。家人不在,什么都要自己来解决。但我很肯定的说,我的性格没有变!!还是那个会做蠢事的我,说笑的我,搞笑的我。更重要的是,朋友的感情从来没变过。相信我,没有send msg 给你,不代表我不关心你,不代表我忘了你。我承认,我们是比较少联络,但那并不代表什么!算了,我不必要在多说。就把以前不好的回忆删除吧,向前看,也许会看到不一样的东西。X:其实有些事情我没有说,但并不代表我不知道。L:我没有忘记你,只是比较少联络你罢了,希望你会体谅我。J:好好照顾自己。除了这一句话,我真的不知道要说什么了。

Monday, September 28, 2009

The day that's belong to me

A surprise from my utar gang.. make me cry.. wanna know what 's going on? lol.. Chia Yee, Pei Feng, Chow yang, Jia yi,Professor and Jeff! i will always REMEMBER THIS!! They know i scare dogs and cats..So they catch a DOG to me as present..Firstly, they bath the dog , and then put it in a boX~While they prepare this, i was happily playing my FarmVillage..Lol..surprise coming soon...deng deng deng deng~~They came out from the room,close the light~~~Pei feng's face was serious, he told me that they wanna go back early,so help me early celebrate my birthday, and the present that they wanna gave me was on his hand.He pass me and i agak agak know what is it inside.They force me to open it.. lol i keep reject. i DON'T WANT TO OPEN! i know inside is ANIMAL! i dun1 oPEN!!!!!they force me to open..i run Last they open infront of me... OMGOSH! A PUPPY! Damn! is Black..i shocked and i RAN BEHIND! i CRied becoz of the shock! STUPID MAN!i keep shouting.. i DON'T WANT TO OPEN! I DON'T WANT TO OPEN! I ALREADY KNOW WHAT IS IT INSIDE! WHY FORCE ME OPEN WU WU wu~~~and i Hate YOU ALL!!!!!!! urGH ..not really hate la actually..just say only hahah i know you all are notty and playful ..So they gave me the surprise~ PRESENT-DOG! zzzzzzzzzzz ish...second time cried at chow yang house!! i PROMISE I WONT CRY AGAIN !!!!!!!HERK!

AhMa gonna leave kampar~So we decide to go her home to giv her a ah ma!~ she cried when saw us.. she is a kind of.. i dunno how to describe lar..just know is caring and loving.She was like.. sooo reluctant to leave kampar..hahaha dun la like tat ah ma.. 2 week only we will meet again..hahaha.She hug time to leave.. bye bye ah ma~~Later then, Chow yang called me, he asked me whether got thing leave at his house or not.. if got ..he say put at his house 1st..he going back to alor setar now..

At night, pui yee and chooi han called me out for yam cha.. After that, came back home and i am tired, i wanna sleep!! Lol the clock was showing 11.00pm and my birthday is on the nxt day..aiya..sleepy, go sleep 1st. i tell myself. Lin Yun also followed me time to sleep..she said...close light pls~*closed light* In the DARK ROOM AND DARK NIGHT, lin yun Started KACAU ME.. She KEEP TALK TALK TALK AND TALK... talk till hock called me..then she chase me from downstair to upstair.. i LOCKED THE DOOR AND DON'T WANT LET HER COME IN THE ROOM... she keep knock the door and say..ying, sorry lar i dun1 disturb you already,pls let me in pls plssssssss! OMGOSH, so noisy, so i decided to let her in..okay..she lie down quietly and don't dare to kacau me again ! MUAAHHAHAHAHHA.. it's work..! nxt time she kacau me again i lock her outside!To:Lin Yun NENINENIPUTPUT!!! was fun and funny! lol! she disturb me almost half an hour..i was wondering..why today lin yun so active har? active then me... the clock was showing 11.30 pm now..okay i sleep!

Sleep TILL HALF!!!!!MY PHONE RANG~is Sue Yee! urgh..i forgot put silent..Fine! i woke up and SEE!okay okay ..she wish me happy birthday~okay okay~
Suddenly~ deng deng DENG DENG!!!!!!SOH YING YING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!someone is shouting my name.and i recognize whose voice is it...NGONG NGIANG VOICE! ~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YING YING ~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU~ ,followed by english version, chinese and then cantonese~i shocked! and i look down.. my dearest FRIENDS!! their hand holding a candle~ Pei Feng, Chooi Han, Pui Yee, Jeff and Jia Yi~i on the light! but lin yun go off the light......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz lol!?what happen? someone at outside?? happy birthday to you,happy birthday to you,happy birthday .......Is Chow Yang ,Chia Yee and Professor, Chow yang was holding the cake... urghh...this was my 2nd surprise.. okay okay.. i wont cry again.. lol i sMILE TO THEM !EH?! WAIT a MINUTES, chia yee and chow yang, i thought you all should be in KEDAH-ALOR SETAR?wh y you all still HERE!aiyo...COZ of SOMEONE birthday lorr.. MAke us cannot go back.. chow yang said.. LOL!!i Thought i THOUGHT!fineee.. speechless larr..Thanks for everything! really! After that, we went to west lake..and bringing the PUPPY also!Lol.. i dare to touch it already..and carry it. but still got little bit scare 2.00am.. we went back ...because tomorrow chow yang will be the driver and drove to his home town, so he need to have enough sleep..ok!They decided to eat breakfast at 7.00am in the everyone agree lor..okay! went home and SLEEP!

In the morning~ lol pui yEE come and fetch us .. go gam jing eat breakfast! WOOHOO!after that , say bye bye to chow yang ,chia yee ,chooi han and pui yeE!! meet u all after 2 weeks ! lol..Jia Yi ask me wan to go sitiawan or not.. of COZ WAN LAR!! i dun1 stay at here larrH.okay okay..half an hour later, he came and fetch me and lin yun..We went to professor house!OMGOD! SO MANY DOGS!..1..2....3...4....5...6....7...+MY PUPPY....=8..Sweating? how should i go out from car.. the dogs are staring mee...urghh.. lol.ok finee..we go eat lunch then..MCD!Let's go..After our lunch, and then the store ..after that we went to fetch pei feng, Pei Feng decided to go beach!...''BEACH'' yea i wanna go! i wan go i wan go!!!!!make alot of fun at there.. collect some seashell~Snap alot photo at there! haha...The clock is showing 5pm++ so, we need to go back already..i slept at jia yi's what's going on i dunno.. i just know that jia yi drive the wrong way.. turn here turn there?!~ haha poor little jia yi! birthday night~ Dinner=my cake~ ahhaha the time is showing 11.33pm.. my birthday is gonna over ! haha! ENJOY MY 18TH BIRTHDAY! thanks everyone! thankssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

The Day That's Belong To Me (The EnD)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

me and lin yun
yo yo yo!
green pants!
issit skirt har?
no la ,look like, but is pants
horse wor yay!!eh jia yi! where u looking? looking girls ar?
our ''BEI YING''
from side..
finding sea shell~
fighting wif ngong ngiang~
my name~
peacing lol!!
Yesh? anything u want?
i found a seashell.. very nice wan.. wanna giv ying ying as the present..
Lol?! small till cannot btw i accept ur gift lar jia yi hahaa come...let's shake hand
dirty hand~
see! we collect de sea shell!
jia yi~ acting sleeping lol
me vs lin yunhahah 3 of us~ smile till so happy? loli warning you?!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tired but cannot sleep~

Found this in mydarkforum..quite chun one!! lol...

☆ 愛我就體諒我
   臭味相投和隨和的性格特質,是天秤座容易動情的原因之一,當然想吸引天秤座的注意,外在美有時要比內在美來得重要。想要緊緊抓住天秤座,你必須融入 他的人際網中,和他的家人、朋友打成一片,並且擅長打點自己。討厭黃臉婆的天秤座男人,欣賞成熟高雅的女性。至於天秤座女子則欣賞有自信、才氣、風度兼具 的男子。

☆ 有好品味,才有好生活
  和天秤座的人相處,基本上不困難,即使是具有強勢性格的另一半,也能因和他們在性格上形成互補,而產生良好的互動。獅子座、雙子座、巨蟹座、金牛座和 寶瓶座都是不錯的考慮。比較保險的星座(讓婚姻長長久久的),則屬摩羯座和天蠍座。浪漫的雙魚座,很能吸引天秤座,這好比射手座的敏捷自信會讓天秤座感到 心動一樣,但是無法形成明顯的主導和被動角色,所以吉凶難論。

☆ 人際關係至上,人人都是死黨
   幾乎沒有一個星座,會成天秤座的敵人,但若要論及交情,則以水象星座的雙魚座、巨蟹座,火象星座的射手座,土象星座的金牛座,及同是風象星座的雙子 座及水瓶座最為投緣。天秤座的人,即使很討厭一個人,在表面上仍會維持風度,不過這樣的口是心非,或是表裡不一,也是天秤座的一大缺點。他們不擅長反抗和 挑起紛爭,表面上笑嘻嘻的,背地裡又會將對方批評得體無完膚,或是因此困擾不已。所以奉勸天秤座的人,還是適時表達自己的真情緒,不要太做作比較好。

☆ 只要會玩,來者不拒
  擁有一大票狐群狗黨的天秤座,玩樂時永遠不缺朋友。其實天秤座的人,最困擾的事就是,分不清身邊的朋友,到底是只能共享樂的酒肉朋友,還是也能共患難 的摯友。重視群體和諧的天秤座很能妥協,讓自己去迎合朋友或玩伴的善惡,所以在一般人眼中,是一個不會掃興的好玩伴。喜歡戶外活動,也偏好室內活動的天秤 座,去哪裡都喜歡有伴、熱熱鬧鬧的氣氛。
   水瓶座、雙子座、射手座、白羊座和天秤座人士最能玩得盡興,在溝通和價值認同上也最接近。天蠍座的人,不喜歡太嘈雜或人多的場合,摩羯座則是視玩樂 為罪惡,金牛座的人出手不夠大方,處女座的人要求太多、難以討好,都是令天秤座感到掃興的對象。道不同不相為謀,不要說天秤座本身對天蠍座、摩羯座、處女 座和金牛座的意見很多,這些星座的男女也未必樂意主動和天秤座出遊呢!

☆ 個人主義者,很難談合作

Heaven or Hell

Either is go heaven or go to hell ... every subject..i just hope pass only.From public speaking ,English Languages,Computer Studies,Econ to aCC.. every subject i really study till midnight 5.. i Don't even study till midnight before... i got study.. not i din't study...i study already but still dunno how to do..this is my problem oR THE SUBJECT PROBLEM HAR?hahaha..aiyo whatever's over.. Let's god to decide ba..Oh ya, Saturday is my last paper(general maths) so i will going back on monday 28/9/2009.This time my holiday will be longer ,because is my sem SEE you all guys there! byee !

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Economics Exam

Today is my econs exam... Lol.. i already try my best to write the answer already.. 3 day 2 night to study econs..midnight 5 only i still dunno how to do some's over, now focus on my computer studies 1st..

Monday, September 14, 2009




p/s=i apologize to those banana,suddenly feel like wanna post mandarin...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

1/9-Chow Yang
Special for both of you~ Happy Belated Birthday!You two are enuf old to go clubbing already~ hahah! Be happy what you having now~ eNjoy the year ended of 2009! wish all your dreams you wanted to come true~~


Face The Book Please!